DBS 576/HD issued September 2001
Chapter 3. Installation
Installation Overview
Before You Begin
Check the Phone System:
Verify that the Phone System ACD is functioning.
Verify that the ACD/MIS port in the phone system is turned on and
check the speed of the port.
Gather the following information:
Windows NT Host PC Administrative Login Name
Windows NT Host PC Administrative Password
Windows NT Host PC Network name (alpha name, not IP address)
Windows NT Host PC Com Port connected to Phone System
(1, 2, 3, or 4)
: Phone System MIS Port bps (channel speed): 9,600 bps
Overview of Steps
1. Ensure that the minimum network settings are set on the Windows NT
Host PC.
2. On the Windows NT Host PC, set up a new User Profile for each ACD
Viewer/Report Manager client PC.
3. Install the Microsoft DAO and the MIS Server application on the
Windows NT Host PC.
4. Install ACD Viewer (and Agent View if applicable) on the same
Windows NT PC.
This eliminates the LAN during the initial setup and test process, and it
saves the installer from walking back and forth between the Host PC and
the Client PCs.
5. The final phase is to install and test ACD Viewer and Agent View on
client PCs.