Operator's Manual
Issue 14
Mar 2016 / UMC0071
©2016 Oxford Instruments NanoScience. All rights reserved.
The complete set of information visible on the touch screen at any one time is called a
The label (if any), found in the top left corner, will be used to identify the page.
The default Home page has 6 configurable regions where sensor parameters can be displayed.
These are known as
Each page of the GUI contains a number of active areas. To initiate an action, tap the relevant
active area once.
The bottom of the Home page shows examples of
. To initiate an action, tap the button
once. The button will change colour when active, either flashing ORANGE or switching between
ORANGE and a dark background colour (BLUE/BLACK), depending on context.
Certain system features are accessed by tapping the relevant button or active area twice. These
features are clearly described in this manual.
3.5.1 The magnet home page
Figure 6. Mercury iPS home screen for the standard Solenoid configuration.
Magnet Home
page contains the following features:
Magnet status information panel showing the power supply output current (or equivalent field
strength in Tesla) the magnet current in amps (or field strength in Tesla), the power supply
terminal voltage.