©2008-14 Overland Storage, Inc.
SnapScale/RAINcloudOS 4.1 Administrator’s Guide
6 - Security Options
SnapScale provides full integration with existing Windows Active Directory domain or Unix
LDAP or NIS user and group databases. At the share level, administrators can assign read-
write or read-only share access to individual local and Windows domain users and groups for
Windows/SMB, FTP, and HTTP. Administrators can also edit the NFS exports file to control
how shares are exported to NFS client machines.
SnapScale supports file access in Windows, and Unix networks, as well as access via HTTP
and FTP. New shares are created by default with full read-write access to all users, subject to
the filesystem permissions on the share target directory. The first step to securing a cluster is
to specify access at the individual share level. Administrators can assign read-write or read-
only share access to individual Windows (and local) users and groups.