CompoBus/D Configurator Installation
7. Specify the destination directory for the Configurator files.
If the default directory shown in the window is acceptable, click on “Next.”
To specify a different directory, click on “Browse,” specify the desired direc-
tory, and click on “Next.” If a non-existent directory is specified, the software
will create it automatically.
8. Specify the name of the Windows program folder where the Configurator
icons will be registered.
An “OMRON” folder will be created in the specified folder and the Configura-
tor icons will be registered in the new “OMRON” folder.
If the default program folder is acceptable, click on “Next.”
To specify a different folder, select an existing folder or enter a new folder
name and then click on “Next.”
9. The installation program will be started and the Configurator files will be
copied to the destination directory.