NV-DVR3009 / NV-DVR3016 ver. 1.1 - User’s manual
All rights reserved © NOVUS Security Sp. z o.o.
3.1.2 Camera Setup
After entering this submenu setting edition window appears on the screen. This window applies to
cameras whose number is displayed on the bottom as
Ch1, Ch2....Ch9
(or up to
). In order
change the camera whose settings will be edited press one of the numeric buttons.
In the
field you can input the name assigned to a given channel. The name will be
displayed in the left top corner of the image from a given channel. The name can be helpful as
far as the finding camera position on the location is concerned. It can be such a name as:
Door2, HOUSE
. Generally, it can be any name consisting of 16 characters that can be chosen
from the below table.
In case user does not input their own channel name, channels will be named by default:
Ch1.....Ch9 (Ch16)
. Current channel name is displayed at the bottom next to channel number
Ch1 (Stairway 1)
In the
Control ID
field unique camera address is assigned. The address is used for camera
identification when sending control commands via RS-485 interface. In case of non-PTZ
cameras the value of this parameter does not matter.
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