Setup and Operation 2-37
VESA Video Power Down
The VESA Video Power Down field controls the VESA power management command
issued to the graphics card when the system goes into low power mode. Settings are
dependent upon the VESA mode(s) supported by your graphic card. The following choices
are available.
Sleep (default)
Inactivity Timer (Minutes)
The Inactivity Timer (Minutes) field controls the number of minutes that the system will
detect no user activity before going into low power mode. Minutes range between 0 and
255; the default value is 10 minutes.
Hot Key
The Hot Key field is used to define a key which, when entered, will cause the BIOS to put
the OS into power management mode. Use this field to choose an
alphabetic character
user defined alphabetic character
when not in Setup to use the
feature. Typically, there is some delay before the system enters power management mode
and the speaker issues two tones. The default setting for this parameter is None.
If there is a User Password in effect the Num Lock, Caps Lock, and Scroll Lock lamps on
the keyboard flash in sequence, indicating that the system is in Secure Mode. (See Set User
Password field in Security Menu.)
In this case, the password has to be entered before you regain control of the system. This
password is not echoed to the screen. The following table describes how the Powerdown
Hot Key interacts with the Security Hot Key.
Table Section 2-4 Hot Key Parameters
Hot Key
Powerdown Hot Key
Enabled Only
System powers down. Powers up when any
key/mouse activity is detected.
Security Hot Key
Enabled Only
System secure immediately. Keyboard lamps
blink. Input accepted when password typed.
Both Hot Keys
System secure immediately. System powers
down. Keyboard lamps blink. Input accepted
when password typed. Powers up when any
key/mouse activity is detected.