Advanced chipset configuration, 2-34
Advanced menu, 2-31
Audio features, 1-16
Battery, 4-12
Baud rate, 1-13
Beep codes, 4-12
BIOS, 1-6, 2-43
memory map, 1-7
BIOS recovery jumper, B-4
BIOS update utility
using, 2-45
Boot options, 2-28
Bulletin board service, 2-44
Buttons, 2-8
Cables, 3-21
Cache, 2-28, 2-32
Cautions, 3-1
system board connector, A-8
CD-ROM reader, 1-19, D-1
connectors and jumper settings, D-2
controls and indicators, 1-19
operation, 1-19
settings, 1-20
specifications, D-1
Chassis, 1-2
CMOS, 2-20
CMOS battery, 4-12
replacement, 4-12
CMOS jumper, B-6
Configurations, 1-1
Connections, 2-1
monitor, 2-3
printer, 3-35
rear, 2-3
SCSI, 3-36
serial, 3-35
speakers, 2-4
Connectors, A-1
diskette drive, A-7
hard disk LED, A-9
IDE, A-8
infrared, A-11
ISA, A-11
keyboard, A-4
mouse, A-4
parallel, A-2
PCI, A-13
power LED, A-10
power supply, A-5
reset, A-10
serial, A-3
system board, A-1
CD-ROM, 1-19
system, 2-8
removal, 3-4, 5-2
replacement, 3-6
Date, set, 2-23
Denying access to CMOS jumper, B-7
Desktop Management Interface, 2-46
blank panel, 3-30
cables, 3-21, 3-23, 3-24
installation, 3-26, 3-32
preparation, 3-21
removal, 5-11
Device bays, 1-2
options, 3-19
support, 3-19
Devices Options, 3-3
Disassembly, 5-1
3 1/2-inch diskette drive, 5-8
3 1/2-inch hard disk drive, 5-10
5 1/4-inch device, 5-11
blank panel, 5-7