3-18 Setting System Parameters
Integrated Peripherals Parameters
Monitor Type
DDC Select
Type 1 (default)
Type 2
Type 3
Type 4
Selects the monitor type. Display
Data Channel (DDC) Select senses
capabilities of compatible monitors.
Non-DDC compatible monitors,
types 1 through 4, may also be
selected (see the following
paragraph for monitor type
information). After selecting DDC or
monitor type, you should use the
TLIMODE utility to set the required
resolution. (See Chapter 5, “Using
NEC Utilities and Drivers” for video
driver information.)
Select Enabled only when using an
option board that has its own DAC
and requires use of the VGA
connector. When Enabled, VGA
DAC writes Go to the option board’s
DAC, and not to the onboard VGA’s
DAC. Be sure to connect the
monitor to the option board’s video
Monitor Types
The following table lists the monitor types, and the
resolution and vertical synchronization rate for each.
NOTE: When setting the monitor resolution in Win-
dows, the Auxiliary Windows Drivers force default
refresh rates equivalent to a Type 1 monitor. To
obtain the appropriate refresh rate, use the
TLIMODE utility to set the refresh rate. (See Chap-
ter 5, “Using NEC Utilities and Drivers” for informa-
tion on using the utility.)