ioLogik W5300
Utility: ioAdmin
Users can increase the sampling rate on devices using one channel by disabling the unused AI channel by
un-checking the
Enable Channel
checkbox, in the upper left corner of the window.
Enabling Auto Scaling
will linearly convert the actual current or voltage value into other user defined units,
such as percentage or ppm (parts per million)
Two scaling methods: slope formula, and slope-intercept
Auto Scaling with the point-slope formula
can help to
eliminate high- and low-end extremes. For example, if 17
mA represents the highest allowable temperature, then it
is not necessary to allow higher temperature values. You
may then cut off any values beyond 17 mA and convert
those to a proprietary danger level, such as Level 5.
Auto Scaling with the slope-intercept formula
provides linear conversion with one ratio (M) and offset
(D). Offset can be an initial value of field device. Ratio can
help enlarge or reduce the scale by specifying a proportion.
It is also easy to modify the values in the database if we
need to use new ratio and offset values in the future.
Reset Min
buttons will clear the
minimum or maximum
values recorded and
displayed in the ioAdmin
main window.
Configuring Virtual Channels
The ioLogik W5300 has 10 internal virtual channels to support front-end statistics functions like
Value (Max)
Minimum Value (Min)
Average Value
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