To change a spoke on the SWR CARBON and SWR FULL CAR
BON WHEELS, proceed as follows:
Front hub
• Insert two keys (A) in the extremity of the hubs. Turn them in
anti-clock wise.
• Once you take out the mobile side, if it is necessary take out the
complete pin from the opposite side.
Take out the damaged spoke, then put in the new spoke Pic.4.
• If it is necessary put the pin into hub’s body, and lock with power
the mobile side with a torque of 15 Nm. It is possible eventually
adjust the hub, by working on the ring (D), as explained on Section
II: SWR Hubs – Front hub.
Check the sliding of the wheel.
Please check that the hub is correctly tightened and closed, failure
to do so could lead to a serious or fatal accident.
Use only spokes with the same length and same features
of the one you changed. We trust to use original spare
parts supplied by Fac Michelin.
Rear hub
To change a spoke on the left side of the hub:
• Insert two keys (A) inside the extremity of the hub and turn them
in anti-clockwise.
• Once you take out the mobile side, take out the damaged spoke,
then put in the new spoke (Pic.5).
• Lock with power the mobile side with a torque of 15 Nm and, if it
is necessary, adjust the hub by working on the ring (D), as explai
ned on the Section II: Hubs – Rear Hub.
Check the sliding of the wheel.
Please check that the hub is correctly tightened and closed, failure
to do so could lead to a serious or fatal accident.
To change the spokes on the free wheel side of the hub, it is no
necessary to take out the pin from hub’s body.
Use only spokes with the same length and same features
of the one you changed. We trust to use original spare
parts supplied by Fac Michelin.
To ensure the optimum wheel “dish” spoke line, please follow the
indications below:
Lubricate the shoulders of the nipples where they will contact the
rim: The nipples seat against a carbon fiber inner ring. This nipple
seat area exhibits more friction than traditional rims, making the
spoke feel tighter as you turn the nipple. Also make sure to lubrica
te the spoke threads. Lubrication of the nipple shoulder and spoke
threads will greatly reduce friction in the nipple seat area and
reduce spoke wind-up.
To assembly the spokes on the SWR FULL CARBON rims do not
use the washer but to assembly the spokes on the SWR CARBON
rims it is necessary to use the washer.
To ensure the correct spoke tension please follow the indications
• Correct spoke tension for front wheel: 1000 N.
• Correct spoke tension for rear wheel, free wheel side: 1200 N.
• Correct spoke tension for rear wheel, opposite free wheel side:
1000/1100 N.
To evaluate the correct wheel tension, please use a professional
spoke tension gauge, we do not recommend that spoke tension
is estimated manually; please refer to a professional cycle mecha
nic if you do not own a professional spoke tension gauge. The
correct spoke tension is essential to ensure a ridged and durable
Miche Carbon wheel rims do not possess the same technical
characteristic as a traditional alloy or steel cycle rim. The spoke
nipples sit inside a special carbon insert seated in the rim. This
carbon insert allows your Miche wheel to be built with the correct
spoke tension, ensuring this tension, which is around twice that of
a normal alloy wheel, is maintained and does not cause damage
to the carbon rim.
ATTENTION in correct spoke tension, too high or too low, could
lead to wheel failure and resulting serious or fatal accident.
Complete wheels
SWR FULL CARBON Wheels are developed to set up tubular and
the SWR CARBON Wheels are developed to set up clincher.
Miche SWR wheels are designs for use solely on the road or de
dicated cycle track with a smooth surface. Please ensure that the
wheels are not subject to direct shock from poor road surfaces [i.e.
pot holes] ATTENTION direct shock to the wheels from poor road
surfaces could lead to wheel failure and resulting serious or fatal
accident. In the event your wheels are subject to any such shocks
from poor road surfaces, yet do show the signs of any damage we
advise you to immediately have the wheels checked by a qualified
mechanic or other qualified person. ATTENTION failure to check
your wheels after they have been subject shock as described abo
ve, even if they show no visable signs of damage, could lead to
wheel failure and resulting serious or fatal accident
Quick release
The SWR Wheels quick release
has already attached in the wheel pack.
The quick release lever has two fixed positions:
• OPEN (the text OPEN is visible)
• CLOSED (the text CLOSED is visible)