Technical Manual
Glass Push Button II Smart & Push Button Smart 86
MDT technologies GmbH, Geschäftsbereich Gebäudeautomation
Phone: +49-2263-880
Fax: +49-2263-4588
E-Mail: [email protected]
26 Messages/Alarms
The following figure shows the available settings for messages and alarms:
Figure 14: Settings – Messages / Alarms
The following table shows the settings for the messages and alarms:
Dynamic range
[Default value]
Message 1-4 (Bit Objekt)
not active
Activation of message 1-4.
Message 1 (highest priority)
any text
[up to 15 bytes allowed]
Displayed text when the
message is triggered
Display time
not active
until button is pushed
1 s – 8 h
Setting how long the message
should be displayed
Message text
(14 Byte Object)
(lowest priority)
not active
Activation of the message text
via the 14 byte object.
Message text has the lowest
priority of all messages
Display time
not active
until button is pushed
1 s – 8 h
Setting how long the message
should be displayed
Cancel the messge via
Not active, only push of
button and duration
Active, additionally with value
0 over objects “Message 1-4”
Setting when the message
should be taken back