Technical Manual
Glass Push Button II Smart & Push Button Smart 86
MDT technologies GmbH, Geschäftsbereich Gebäudeautomation
Phone: +49-2263-880
Fax: +49-2263-4588
E-Mail: [email protected]
4.4.13 Temperature Shift
Two-button function
Function only available for Glass Push Button II Smart/Push button Smart 86 with temperature
The temperature shift can be used to move the setpoint of the heating control.
The following figure shows the available settings:
Figure 47: Settings – Temperature shift
The table below shows all available settings:
Dynamic range
[Default value]
Temperature shift
1 Bit temperature shift
1 Byte temperature shift
2 Byte temperature shift
2 Byte shift of basis
comfort setpoint value
Setting how the temperature is to
be shifted
Use internal temperature
not active
Setting whether the internal
temperature measurement value
is to be used to display the actual
Step width
0,1 … 1 K
[0,5 K]
Set the step width between two
send commands.
Not visible when shifting via 1 bit
Lower limit
-10 … 10 K
[-5 K]
Setting of the lower limit value for
the setpoint shift.
Only for shifting via 1Byte/2Byte
Upper limit
-10 … 10 K
[5 K]
Setting of the upper limit value for
the setpoint shift.
Only for shifting via 1Byte/2Byte