Technical Manual
Glass Push Button II Smart & Push Button Smart 86
MDT technologies GmbH, Geschäftsbereich Gebäudeautomation
Phone: +49-2263-880
Fax: +49-2263-4588
E-Mail: [email protected]
Datapoint type
2Bit DPT 2.001 Forcible control
1Byte DPT 5.001 Percent value
1Byte DPT 5.005 Decimal factor
1Byte DPT 17.001 Scene number
2Byte DPT 7.600
Color temperature (Kelvin)
2Byte DPT 9.001 Temperature (°C)
2Byte DPT 9.004 Brightness (Lux)
3Byte DPT 232.600
RGB value 3x(0…255)
Sets the data point type to be
– 4. Switching value
any value according to the selected
datapoint type
Sets the respective value for the
switching value
Time delay between
scene switching
No delay
1 s – 10 s
[2 s]
Set a delay between sending
the scenes.
Only for „DTP 17.001 Scene“
Push button long
not active
Activation of a function with a
long keystroke
Left / Right push
button: Action with a
long push of button
1. – 4. Switching value
4. Switching value if previous was
1. value, otherwise 1. value
Send 0
“Off” at second object
“On” at second object
Only for two-button function
and Push button long is active.
Setting the action with long
Number of possible switching
values according to the
selection "Number of values".
Action with a long push
of button
1. – 4. Switching value
4. Switching value if previous was
1. value, otherwise 1. value
Send 0
“Off” at second object
“On” at second object
Only for single-button function
and Push button long is active.
Setting the action with long
Number of possible switching
values according to the
selection "Number of values".
Switching type
Limit stop
Only with two-button function.
Setting what should happen
when the last switching value is
Switchover considers
status object
Setting whether the changeover
should send the next switching
value according to the current
Table 34: Settings – Send Values - Subfunction: Switching values/scenes (up to 4 values)