Technical Manual
Glass Push Button II Smart & Push Button Smart 86
MDT technologies GmbH, Geschäftsbereich Gebäudeautomation
Phone: +49-2263-880
Fax: +49-2263-4588
E-Mail: [email protected]
The temperature can be shifted in 4 different ways:
1 Bit temperature shift
With the 1-bit temperature shift the glass push button merely transmits the command 1 for a shift of
the setpoint upwards and a 0 for a shift of the setpoint downwards.
The following table shows the available communication objects:
Number Name
Length Usage
Push buttons 1/2 –
Setpoint shift
1 Bit
Sends the Setpoint shift
Push buttons 1/2 –
Status actual temperature
2 Byte
Receiving an external temperature for the
display of the current temperature.
Is only displayed if the parameter "Use internal
temperature value" is set to "not active"
Push buttons 1/2 –
Status current setpoint
2 Byte
Receiving the current setpoint of the
temperature controller to display the status
Table 65: Communication objects – Temperature shift via 1 bit
1 Byte temperature shift
With the 1-byte temperature shifting, the glass push button sends a 1-byte value which is multiplied
by the step width set in the controller. In order for the display and the current setpoint value to be
synchronous, the step width and the limits of the setpoint shift have to be specified in the push
The following table shows the available communication objects:
Number Name
Length Usage
Push buttons 1/2 –
Setpoint shift
1 Byte
Sends the Setpoint shift
Push buttons 1/2 –
State actual temperature
2 Byte
Receiving an external temperature for the
display of the current temperature - is only
displayed if the parameter "Use internal
temperature value" is set to "not active"
Push buttons 1/2 –
State current setpoint
2 Byte
Receiving the current setpoint temperature of
the temperature controller to display the
Push buttons 1/2 –
State setpoint shift
1 Byte
Receives the current setpoint shift; has to be
connected to all 1 byte objects which send the
setpoint shift to the controller in order to
correctly evaluate the current status of the
setpoint shift
Table 66: Communication objects – Temperature shift via 1 Byte