Joystick operation
Chapter 5.
Joystick operation
If you are using the Xciter for the first time, you may need to calibrate the joystick. See joystick calibration
in the setup menu.
Press {Joystick} in the setup menu.
Move the joystick in a circle around the limits of its travel a couple of times.
Press [STORE] to store the calibration.
Press any button to continue. Xciter returns to the setup menu.
Operation in the programmer
Xciter’s self-centering joystick always works in relative mode.
When you push the joystick in a certain direction, the beam will move in that direction and the further you
push the joystick from the centre, the faster the beam will move.
Sometimes the individual fixtures of a group are positioned differently so the beams all move in different
directions when you manipulate the joystick. You can solve this in the patch with PAN-inverse, TILT-
inverse and PT-swap.
Press [PAN] and [TILT] to activate / deactivate the joystick in the programmer. You can also use these
buttons to lock the pan or tilt action of the joystick.
Use [C/F] to toggle between coarse and fine movement.
The joystick also has a built-in button. Press the joystick down to bring the fixtures back to their home
position (library defaults for PAN and TILT).
Operation in cue (run mode)
The [C/F] button becomes the BPM record button in cue (run mode). Pressing this button at a certain
tempo will cause the sequences in BPM mode to follow this tempo.
The [TILT] button becomes the step button in cue (run mode). Pressing this button will cause sequences in
manual mode to advance one step.