Apps and Entertainment
Entertainment and
The Open from menu appears.
3. Select a video to upload.
Enter a title, description, and tags, and select a privacy setting.
4. Tap
The video is uploaded to your YouTube channel.
Sprint Zone
Access your Sprint account, get phone information and help, find recommended apps, and more.
1. Tap
Sprint Zone
2. Tap
My Account
to sign in to and manage your Sprint account,
to get help with your
device or service,
Sprint News
to learn the latest Sprint information, or
to see or test
your current data connectivity.
: Sprint Zone categories and options are subject to change. Check back frequently for new
content and updates.
Now you have the ability to get every bit of NASCAR coverage, news, and stats right on your phone.
Install the NASCAR MOBILE App on Your Phone
Before you use the NASCAR MOBILE app on your phone, you must download and install the app
from Google Play.