solution cannot connect to the
network 135
solution deployment process
understanding 91
solution settings
understanding 91
Solution Status Page
accessing 74
adding licenses 78
adding printers 77
removing printers 79
understanding status
information 74
solution stops responding 135
assigned, editing settings 92
assigning to software client
groups 114
configuring an eSF application
associated with a solution 93
configuring global settings 92
deployed, editing settings 92
deploying to device groups 100
disabling validation of eSF
application deployment 106
editing settings 92
removing 93
troubleshooting 132
understanding solution
settings 91
understanding the solution
deployment process 91
uploading to the Lexmark
Intelligent Capture system 91
using from a printer 119
viewing forms 55
workflow 10
solutions are receiving inaccurate
page counts 137
solutions deployment
troubleshooting 132
Solutions tab
tasks 50
Solutions tab does not function 128
Solutions tab tasks 50
related files
managing 93
some printers on the network
cannot be discovered 129
spoolsv.exe terminates
unexpectedly 136
status bar 53
system status 53
status information
understanding 74
using 85
supported ECM platforms 17
supported printers 13
system administration
Lexmark Management Console 12
system components 9
system health
monitoring 63
System Health dashboard
accessing 63
adjusting limits on concurrent
jobs 64
tuning the load balancer for
unequal servers 65
system log
customizing columns 55
system logs
viewing 54
system overview
client software 11
Lexmark Management Console 12
system components 9
system processes terminate
unexpectedly when creating a
Lexmark Document Server port 136
system requirements 18
avoiding conflicts with other
software 21
sizing guidelines 31
system setup overview 13
system sizing guidelines 31
system status 53
System tab
changing the administrator user
name 45
managing scheduled tasks 56
viewing and changing server
status 56
System tab tasks 52
System tab 52
configuring policy updates 96
500 Internal Server Error 127
503 Service Unavailable 127
access controls 134
browser displays 5yy error when
accessing LMC 127
cannot create new Lexmark
Document Server ports 135
cannot create or configure
Lexmark Document Server port
in Windows 7, Windows Vista,
Windows Server 2008, or
Windows Server 2008 R2 136
data is missing in LMC 128
device discoveries frequently time
out 129
device discovery 129
discovery and policy updates
running slowly 129
error in importing a license 130
error occurs when uploading a
formset 128
eSF Configuration task for device
groups does not function 128
expected icon does not appear on
the home screen after solution
deployment 132
explorer.exe terminates
unexpectedly 136
formsets fail to upload 128
home screen 132
jobs are not sent to the Lexmark
Intelligent Capture system 136
jobs do not respond after an error
occurred 128
Kerberos authentication is not
working 132
LDSS Server is unavailable 131
Lexmark Document Server port
cannot be created or edited in
Windows 7, Windows Vista,
Windows Server 2008, or
Windows Server 2008 R2 136
licenses 130
LMC 127, 128
LMC does not finish loading 128
LMC responds very slowly 127
one or more servers cannot be set
offline 130
one or more servers cannot be set
online 130
policy updates failed for a
printer 133