connecting existing servers during
recovery 88
creating a device group 95
creating a device group from an
existing group 96
creating a new discovery profile 96
creating custom reports
using special Lexmark Intelligent
Capture parameters 84
creating software client groups 113
custom reports
querying the database 84
using included subreports 85
using special Lexmark Intelligent
Capture parameters
customizing columns for jobs 55
customizing columns for system
logs 55
customizing the home screen for a
device group 100
data is missing in LMC 128
installing with clustering 35
installing without clustering 34
manual backup 90
default report options
configuring 83
deploying solutions to device
groups 100
device discovery
troubleshooting 129
device groups 95
configuring an eSF application
associated with a solution 93
creating 95, 96
creating a new discovery
profile 96
customizing the home screen 100
deploying solutions 100
disabling validation of eSF
application deployment 106
discovering missing printers 99
discovering printers 98
editing local settings for a
deployed or assigned
solution 92
enabling secure communication
between servers and
printers 106
importing a list of printers 97
scheduling a discovery task 99
scheduling policy updates 105
updating policies 105
viewing all printers with outdated
policies 99
viewing device group profile
settings 55
viewing software client group
profiles 55
Device Groups tab tasks 48
device log 126
device profiles
viewing 108
device security
configuring 67
adding to a device group 96
editing the home screen
layout 107
enabling secure communication
between servers and printers in
a device group 106
removing from the system 108
searching previously discovered
devices 107
updating policies 108
viewing profiles 108
Devices tab
tasks 49
Devices tab tasks 49
disabling validation of eSF
application deployment 106
disaster recovery 10
connecting existing servers during
recovery 88
installing new servers during
recovery 88
manually backing up databases 90
recovering backup data with a
new installation 87
recreating Lexmark Intelligent
Capture printer ports after an
address change 89
discoveries frequently time out 129
discovering devices
scheduling a discovery task 99
discovering missing printers 99
discovering printers 98
configuring SNMP 67
configuring chunk size 66
discovery and policy updates
running slowly 129
discovery task
scheduling 99
document capture 8
document classification 8
document extraction 8
document processing 9
document routing 9
Documentum 17
downloading existing licenses 68
dynamic prompting 111
dynamic prompting support 111
supported platforms 17
editing local settings for assigned or
deployed solutions 92
editing report settings 83
editing the home screen layout on
specific devices 107
Embedded Solutions Diagnostic
Log 126
viewing 126
enabling LDAP server
authentication for LMC 45
enabling secure communication
between servers and printers 106
enabling secure communication
between servers and the printers in
a device group 106
enterprise systems
installation overview 32
error importing license 130
error occurs when uploading a
formset 128
eSF application deployment
disabling 106
eSF applications
configuring applications
associated with a solution 93
eSF Configuration task for device
groups does not function 128
expected icon does not appear on
the home screen after solution
deployment 132
explorer.exe terminates
unexpectedly 136
exporting system status
information 56