5: Commands and Levels
PremierWave® 2050 Enterprise Wi-Fi® IoT Module Command Reference
state enable
Enables Virtual IP instance.
Stores the current configuration in permanent memory.
virtual ip 2 (config-virtual-interface:2) level commands
Clears the screen.
Exits to the config-gateway level.
ip address
Sets the Virtual IP address.
lan ip address
Sets the LAN IP address.
Sets the name. <text> = name.
no ip address
Clears the Virtual IP address.
no lan ip address
Clears the LAN IP address.
no name
Clears the name.
Displays the current configuration.
show history
Displays the last 20 commands entered during the current
CLI session.
state disable
Disables Virtual IP instance.
state enable
Enables Virtual IP instance.
Stores the current configuration in permanent memory.
virtual ip 3 (config-virtual-interface:3) level commands
Clears the screen.
Exits to the config-gateway level.
ip address
Sets the Virtual IP address.
lan ip address
Sets the LAN IP address.
Sets the name. <text> = name.
no ip address
Clears the Virtual IP address.
no lan ip address
Clears the LAN IP address.
no name
Clears the name.
Displays the current configuration.
show history
Displays the last 20 commands entered during the current
CLI session.
state disable
Disables Virtual IP instance.
state enable
Enables Virtual IP instance.
Stores the current configuration in permanent memory.
vpn 1 (config-vpn:1) level commands
aggressive mode disable
Disables aggressive mode.
aggressive mode enable
Enables aggressive mode.
authentication mode psk
Sets the authentication mode to PSK.
authentication mode rsa
Sets the authentication mode to RSA.
authentication mode xauth
Sets the authentication mode to XAUTH.
Clears the screen.
connection name
Sets the name. <text> = name.
connection type host to host
Sets the connection type to Host to Host.
connection type host to subnet
Sets the connection type to Host to Subnet.
create new local rsa key
Create new Local RSA key
default authentication mode
Restores the default authentication mode.