Keysight M8070A Programming Guide
SCPI Command Reference
This algorithm exits when the BER is measured above the measurement
threshold BER, or if the last amplitude measurement point was at the
maximum jitter value determined by the template.
Up Log + Linear
: The Up Log + Linear search algorithm performs the same
algorithm as Up Logarithmic, but in addition, it returns to the last passing
amplitude and steps linearly up until it reaches a fail point. The algorithm
continues to increase the SJ amplitude until failure, even if it surpassed
the original failed point.
The jitter tolerance result at each jitter modulation frequency is the highest
jitter amplitude at which the measurement was made below the threshold
BER. However, if the device is intolerant of even the minimum jitter value,
the result is not valid and is not plotted.
This SCPI is applicable for M8041A, M8051A, M8061A, M8062A and
:PLUGin:JTOLerance:MSETup:BINary:SSIZe ‘identifier’, <NRf>
:PLUGin:JTOLerance:MSETup:BINary:SSIZe? ‘identifier’
‘identifier’: Specify the measurement name.
<NRf>: Set the step size.
Return Range
2 mUI to 5 UI
This command is used to set the step size for the binary algorithm for the
measurement specified by the measurement name identifier. The step size
defines the exit criteria for the algorithm. The Binary search algorithm
stops once its step size falls below this user defined Step Size.
The Binary Step Size applies to the Binary algorithm and the binary
portions of the Down Linear and Up Linear algorithms.
This SCPI is applicable for M8041A, M8051A, M8061A, M8062A and
:PLUG:JTOL:MSET:BIN:SSIZ ‘MyMeasurement’, 100mUI