Keysight M8070A Programming Guide
SCPI Command Reference
:OUTPut:DEEMphasis Subnode
The M8070A provides an eight tap de-emphasis signal. Seven of these
taps can be specified: two pre-cursors and five post-cursors. The resulting
main cursor is calculated.
The taps can be programmed remotely in two different ways. Firstly, all the
tap values can be set by one command. In this case all seven tap values
have to be specified at once in a comma separated list of numbers. Total
31 preset registers are available. Secondly, a preset register can be
determined as the current preset and the pre- and post-cursor commands
work on this selected preset register. Only absolute values are accepted in
both cases.
The sign of a tap value is defined by a separate command. If, for example,
the sign of pre-cursor 2 is set to negative (-1), it will change the sign of
every pre-cursor 2 in the 31 preset registers.
This subnode has the following SCPI structure: