Keysight M8070A Programming Guide
SCPI Command Reference
:STATus:QUEStionable:PTRansition <NRf>
<NRf>: Set transition filter state.
This command sets the transition filter state in the Questionable Status
Register structure. This is the default setting of the instrument. The query
returns the weighted value of the bits that are set to pass positive
transitions in the transition filter.
The summary bit of this register set is reflected in bit 9 of the Questionable
status register.
The :STATus:QUEStionable:INSTrument contains conditions which reflect
states of the instrument’s normal operation. These bits are summary bits.
For example, if a Data Loss is detected by one or more error detectors, the
Data Loss condition will be set.
The definition of each of these bits (condition register) is as follows:
Bit 0 – Error
One or more error detectors detect an error.
Bit 1 – Data Loss
This bit is set when the data source is turned off, not connected, or the
cables or device is faulty. This bit can also be set when the 0/1 threshold is
not within the eye limits of the incoming data signal. In this last case, use
Auto Align or select Avg 0/1 Threshold.
Bit 2 – Sync Loss
This bit is set when the error detector pattern does not match the
incoming data pattern or the BER of your device is higher than the sync
Bit 3 – Clock Loss
This bit is set when the pattern generator receives no external clock signal
or the error detector receives no clock input signal.
Bit 4 – CDR Unlocked
One or more CDRs of the instrument are unlocked.