Keysight M8070A Programming Guide
SCPI Command Reference
MMEMory Subsystem
All instrument states of the M8020A/M8030A instrument are stored in a
“workspace”. There are two defined areas in a workspace. One area is
named “Factory”. In this area you can find read only predefined settings
and patterns. The other area is named “User”. This area stores customer
created settings or patterns.
The “Path” argument is a simple string that can be used to address a
setting. This is a simple name that follows the Windows specification for
allowed characters of a file name. Additionally, group or folder names can
be specified for grouping settings. For example, “SATA/Test1” or
“SATA/InitialTests/TestAtTemperature80” and
“SATA/InitialTests/TestAtTemperature32” or “PCIeStartUpParameter”.
This subsystem has the following SCPI structure: