Keysight M8070A Programming Guide
Programming Basics
Group Name Identifiers
Group name identifiers are used to affect a group of inputs or outputs
using a single SCPI command. That is, all properties belonging to these
identifiers can be addressed simultaneously using the group name.
The following SCPI command shows the syntax for creating a group name
then adding the desired location identifiers.
The following is an example showing ‘Outputs’ as the group name followed
by ‘M1.DataOut1’ and ‘M1.DataOut2’ location identifiers assigned to the
‘Outputs’ group name identifier.
:SYST:INST:GRO:DEF ‘Outputs’,‘M1.DataOut1’,‘M1.DataOut2’
The following SCPI command will set all voltage amplitudes in the
‘Outputs’ group to 0.05.
[:SOURce]:VOLTage[:AMPLitude]VOLT:AMPL ‘Outputs’,0.05
Measurement Name Identifiers
Measurement name identifiers are used to set up parameters associated
with a specific measurement name. For example, the following shows the
bit error ratio plugin SCPI command used to define a measurement name
called ‘MyMeasurement’:
:PLUGin:ERATio:NEW ‘MyMeasurement’
You can now set up parameters within the :PLUGin:ERATio subsystem to
be associated with the ‘MyMeasurement’ identifier.
The following shows the accumulation duration mode (set to fixed time)
and duration (set to 120 seconds) parameters associated with the
‘MyMeasurement’ identifier.
PLUGin:ERATio:ACQuisition:DURation ‘MyMeasurement’, FTIM
:PLUGin:ERATio:ACQuisition:TIME ‘MyMeasurement’,120