Wirnet iBTS
Document title : Installation and
Maintenance Manual
Version : 2.0
Author : SNI
Date : 04/12/2018
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Figure 132 : Earthing of the RF coaxial surge protection
Note 1:
the earthing cable is not provided by KERLINK
Note 2:
the earthing cable characteristics are detailed in §
Earthing of the Ethernet surge protection
On the indoor Ethernet surge protection side, the earthing connection is completed through
the DIN rail clip. Therefore, the earthing cable can be connected to the DIN rail itself or using
the nut of the DIN rail clip.
Figure 133 : Earthing of the indoor Ethernet surge protection
On the outdoor Ethernet surge protection side, the earthing connection is completed
through a dedicated earthing screw. The earthing connection is completed through a ring
terminal. The earthing cable must be crimped inside this ring terminal.
DIN rail
Earthing wire