Wirnet iBTS
Document title : Installation and
Maintenance Manual
Version : 2.0
Author : SNI
Date : 04/12/2018
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Press the button once (<1s)to complete the hard reboot of the Wirnet iBTS
Press the button during 1s to 5s to perform a soft halt. The Wirnet iBTS closes the SW
applications and reboots within the next 2minutes.
Long press the button during 5 seconds min to power down the Wirnet iBTS (hard
halt). Wait the shutdown of the Wirnet iBTS i.e. until the LEDs are switched off. The
shutdown may take up to 30s depending on the current software activity.
Press the button once again to power on the Wirnet iBTS when powered off.
If the shutdown is not completed properly, or may take longer than expected or if the
Wirnet iBTS is under fault for any expected reason, then a hard halt can be performed.
Local interface
A LOCAL Ethernet RJ45 connector is located on the front side of the CPU module:
Figure 166 : Local Ethernet interface of the Wirnet iBTS
This RJ45 Ethernet connector is dedicated to the maintenance of the Wirnet iBTS through a
Linux SSH console session, or through the Web interface (see §4.8.4).
Consult the Kerlink Wiki or contact KERLINK for more information.
Ethernet interface