Wirnet iBTS
Document title : Installation and
Maintenance Manual
Version : 2.0
Author : SNI
Date : 04/12/2018
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Figure 141 : GPS and LTE cabling within Wirnet iBTS Compact
The GNSS cable is the blue one, referenced as “GPS”, and connected to the CPU module.
The LTE cable is the white one, referenced as “CELL”, and connected to the WAN module.
Internal LTE antenna
The Wirnet iBTS Compact may be delivered with a dual WAN module. In this case, an
internal LTE antenna and an internal GNSS/LTE combo antenna are embedded in the casing.
The internal LTE antenna must be screwed on the dual WAN module and oriented to the
bottom side of the enclosure, in order to optimize the WAN reception.
Check the internal LTEantenna is well mounted on the SMA connector and properly screwed
on the module, as described below:
Figure 142 :Internal LTE antenna within Wirnet iBTS Compact
GNSS/LTE antenna
GNSS cable
LTE cable
GNSS/LTE antenna
Dual WAN module
Internal LTE antenna
(oriented to bottom side
of the enclosure)