16. Support
For technical questions about the products please contact our support team by e-mail or via the Kentix website.
Send an e-mail with your questions and all the important details of your application and used versions to our
support address.
Autenbornstrasse 2
D - 55743 Idar-Oberstein
The manual has been prepared with great care. The correctness and completeness of data, pictures and
drawings is not guaranteed.
Regard to protected brand names and logos:
The use of protected trademarks, trade names, designs and brand logos in this manual is not a copyright
violation, but serves as an illustrative reference. Even if these are not at the appropriate places marked as such,
the relevant statutory provisions. The trade names and logos are the property of the manufacturer and subject
to copyright laws. Information about that, please refer to the instructions of the manufacturers websites.
Copyright Notice:
All rights reserved. Any text, images, graphics, animations and videos as well as content and structure of this
manual are protected by copyright and other laws protecting intellectual property. Your copy, modification,
commercial use, use in other media or transfer to third parties is prohibited or requires the prior express
permission of such KENTIX GmbH.
(07-2018, subject to change)