Preparation methods DIN EN ISO 17664
Before preparations, follow the instructions for use of the surgery motor, handpie‐
ces and contra-angle handpieces, and the scaler SONICflex and special tools
The instructions for cleaning and sterilisation have been validated by the manu‐
facturer. Any deviation from the provided instructions by the person preparing the
device should be checked to see if it is effective, and potential negative conse‐
quences should be evaluated.
Sufficient safety that prevents microorganisms that have entered the instruments
from becoming a possible cause of infection is only provided by carefully process‐
ing the outside and inner surfaces directly after use. The handpieces and angle
pieces must be packaged and sterilised and sterile when used.
If potentially infectious liquids and particles can contact the products, it is recom‐
mendable to cover and protect these areas with sterile disposable products.
Frequent preparation with proper use does not significantly affect the unit and mo‐
tor. The product life normally ends due to wear and damage from use. Observe all
manufacturer instructions.
Treat KaVo gently when cleaning them. Remove deposits such as saline coolant
residue, blood and saliva with a disposable cloth immediately after use. Only use
fully functional products for treating patients.
Observe all current national hygiene regulations. See also www.rki.de (infection
A German language CD on hygienic measures in medical practices is obtainable
from: MEDIEN & Forum, Am Brunnen 8, 29229 CELLE – Tel. D 05141/370188/89.
E-mail: [email protected]. Additional information can be
obtained at: www.rki.de
Site of use
Remove moisture-sensitive parts close to the disinfection site. The treatment sur‐
faces of the area should be hygienically smooth surfaces. Protect difficult to clean
surfaces and objects from contamination by covering them.
Preparation for decontamination
▪ Wear suitable protective clothing.
▪ Wear eye protection. No eating, drinking or smoking.
▪ Disinfect hands properly.
▪ Turn off the device and unplug it.
▪ Prepare and follow a hygiene plan.
▪ Only use disinfectants suitable for this group of devices.
▪ Prepare the parts suitable for sterilisation: Care, rinsing and packaging.
▪ Use qualified trained personnel for preparing dental equipment and instruments.
Train the personnel according to these instructions for use Plan and provide a
Instructions for use INTRAsurg 300 / INTRAsurg 300 plus
6 Preparation methods DIN EN ISO 17664 | 5.5 Functions exclusively with the 300 plus program version