me ter
▶ Press the parameter button until the asterisk flashes at the maximum speed
The maximum value can be changed in the parameter menu by using the Plus and
Minus buttons.
Excessive speed.
▶ In applications where the speed is critical, move the hinged pedal to the left
position (minimum speed) before the motor starts and move up to the desired
▶ Set the speed to a safe maximum for the application.
Set the coolant flow
me ter
▶ Press the parameter button until the asterisk flashes at the coolant flow ⑤.
The flow ⑤ can be changed in the parameter menu by using the Plus and Minus
1: Pump at the minimum flow for approximately 25 mL/min
6: Pump at the maximum flow for approximately 150 mL/min
The flow is determined by the size of the outlet. When the outlet is small, back-
pressure arises in the hose that can cause the hose connections to separate. Drip‐
ping coolant indicates that this may occur.
Instructions for use INTRAsurg 300 / INTRAsurg 300 plus
5 Operation | 5.3 Free use