MS48IP Programming Guide
Password Control for IP Extensions:
For IP extensions, whether the password control will be done or not during the
registration or/and calling is determined with this program.
If any password control is activated, extension password definition should be done
to let the system makes the related authorization for the required cases. By this
program, the password can be defined for each IP extension on the system.
8 7 7 6 6 5 3 S G P
IP extension number
There is no password control
Password control for the registration, not for the calling
Password control for both, registration and calling
Password (max 16 digits)
1. Example: 8776 6 53 151 2 155 is dialed to set the password as ‘155’ and the
security level as ‘2’ for the IP extension numbered 151.
2. For S parameter, the number used while the IP extension is assigned into the
system must be entered.
3. While G parameter is set as ‘1’ or ‘2’, after registration of the IP extension,
match of the password and the extension number is done automatically by the
system. System rotates positive response to requests from extension.
4. The IP extension whose G parameter is defined as ‘0’ is cancelled.
Except the extensions connected via the LAN, it is not recommended to use
the security levels as ‘0’.