MS48IP Programming Guide
Intrusion Authority Level:
This program defines authority levels determining whether a phone conversation
can be intruded in, in case the called extension is busy.
8 0 6 A [9 ] P
The extension access code
Authority level
Default Value
P = 7 for the operator, P = 0 for the other extensions
1. Extensions can intrude conversations of extensions with lower authority levels
only. However, extensions with Intrusion authority level “7” can intrude the calls
of the extensions who have the same authority level.
2. When an extension that has activated Do Not Disturb feature is called by
another extension with a higher intrusion authority level, the Do Not Disturb
feature does not function.
3. Regardless of the Intrusion Authority the Do Not Disturb feature operates for the
calls received from the operator.
4. Regardless of the Intrusion Authority the Do Not Disturb feature operates for the
calls coming to the LT48 or FT10 Feature Phones.
5. If an executive extension calls another executive with equal or less Intrusion
Authority level then directly the called executive extension’s telephone rings
instead of the secretary.
3. This program also controls the speed of the fax or modem connections
established through an extension. For extensions to which fax or modem is
connected the Intrusion Authority level must be set to 6 to have high speeds. In
such a case the CRL Time Filter program is not used on the calls of these