10 | Routine Operation
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074-594-P1H Micro GC Fusion Operating Man-
14 With finger tips, grasp the bottom of the housing cover and gently pull apart.
Position the cover over Micro GC Fusion and lower to replace the housing cover
back on Micro GC Fusion.
15 Use a 2.5 mm ball-point hex driver replace the screws, three on each side.
16 Return Micro GC Fusion to the upright position.
17 Connect the sample gas connection(s), carrier gas connections and venting
18 Connect the external electrical cables, including the power cable and Ethernet
19 Power up the instrument by pressing the On/Standby button on the front panel.
Ensure the modules heat to ready status.
Micro GC Fusion automatically recognizes the new or replacement module
configuration when it is powered up. GC module configuration is stored in the
EEPROM located on the GC module interface circuit board.