Basic operation
Note: To change only one digit, press
to move the cursor leftward, or
to move it rightward, to that digit. Then, enter the correct digit.
To clear the date and time setting, press
Example 1: When you set the start transferring time for 7:00 at Tuesday, and
set the end transferring time for 19:00 at Friday, enter as following display:
Example 2: When you set the start transferring time for 7:00 and set the end
transferring time for 19:00 everyday, enter as following display.
Example 3: When you set the start day for Tuesday, and set the end day for
Friday, enter as following display.
Example 4: When you want to transfer the received documents always
regardless of the time period setting, enter as following display by pressing
. If you want to other time period setting, repeat seteps 12 to 15.
Otherwise, proceed next step.
Select “Exit” and press
Note: If you entered the forwarding time period setting in steps 12 to 15 and
it is in the time period now, “TF (Timed Forwarding)” will appear on
Override the forwarding time
The forwarding time you entered (in step 12, left column) can be overridden. When
you assign a Soft Key to “Over-Ride” (see “Soft Keys” on page 3.17), you can transfer
the received documents at anytime by pressing the Soft Key regardless of the time
When you pressed the Soft Key assigned to “Over-Ride” in order to set it to On, the
will show:
“FF” means “Fax Forwarding.” While this
appears, your machine will transfer
the received documents to the specified fax machine.
When you want to set it to Off, press the Soft Key again.
Printing a Remote copy list
This list includes Forwarding mode, Remote fax’s number where you want docu-
ments to be transferred, Time period and Auto print setting.
To print a remote copy list, press
, 5, 1, 1, 9,
Ready to Fax (FF)
[ Mode ] [ Contrast ]
Normal Normal
Nov 26 2001 11:00am Mem:100%
Ready to Fax (TF)
[ Mode ] [ Contrast ]
Normal Normal
Nov 26 2001 11:00am Mem:100%
16.Remote Copy
Enter Time 1
- **:**-- - **:**
[ Day
][Anytime ]
16.Remote Copy
Enter Time 1
Tue **:**--Fri **:**
[ Day
][Anytime ]
16.Remote Copy
Enter Time 1
- 07:00-- - 19:00
[ Day
][Anytime ]
16.Remote Copy
Enter Time 1
Tue 07:00--Fri 19:00
[ Day
][Anytime ]