Hybrid Ultra
855-350-050_Rev2.0_Instruction Manual
Figure 1. A Typical Hybrid Ultra Configuration ............................................ 1
Figure 3. The DC Output Bus Bars ............................................................. 9
Figure 5. The LDMP Output ........................................................................ 9
Figure 6. The 24-volt DC-DC Converter Module Output Bus Bars ........... 10
Figure 7. The BMMD Output Bus Bars ..................................................... 13
Figure 8. The BMMDP Output Bus Bars ................................................... 13
Figure 9. Installing breaker with even pressure ........................................ 14
Figure 10. Installing breaker with uneven pressure .................................. 14
Figure 11. Installing Power Module in a Hybrid Ultra ................................ 15
Figure 12. ICM Front Control Interface ..................................................... 18
Figure 13. ICM Menu Structure (cont’d on next page) .............................. 19
Figure 14 (cont’d). ICM Menu Structure (cont’d from previous page) ....... 20
Table 1. Power Module Ratings .................................................................. 1
Table 2. Power Chassis Models .................................................................. 5
Table 3. Power Module Models ................................................................... 5
Table 4. Available Accessories (cont’d on next page) ................................. 5
Table 5. Alarm Output Connector ................................................................ 7
Table 6. Remote Input Connector ............................................................... 7
Table 7. Load Connection Points ................................................................ 8
Table 8. LDM Output Capacity .................................................................... 9
Table 9. DC-DC Converter Module Output Capacity ................................. 11
Table 10. Default System Output Settings ................................................ 12
Table 11. Available BMMD Models ............................................................ 13
Table 12. AC Source Wiring Connections ................................................. 17
Table 13. Recommended Breaker Rating ................................................. 17
Table 14. Default Disconnect Voltage Settings ......................................... 23
Table 15. Default Reconnect Voltage Settings .......................................... 24
Table 17. The Default Output Voltage and Current ................................... 28
Table 18. Power Module Alarms (cont’d on next page) ............................ 34
Table 19. Battery Management Module (BMM) Alarms ............................ 35
Table 20. DC-DC Converter Module Alarms ............................................. 36
Table 21. Load Distribution Module (LDM) Alarms (cont’d on next page) 36
Table 22. Intelligent Control Module (ICM) Alarms.................................... 37
Table 23. The Default Output Voltage and Current ................................... 44