About Reflectors
Linking to a reflector
If your repeater is not currently linked to a reflector, or
if you want to change it to another reflector, follow the
steps below. Before linking to another reflector, BE
SURE to unlink any current reflector. (p. 10-12)
Direct inputting a Reflector
1� Example: Directly entering “REF010BL�”
2� Touch “TO” to select, and then touch “TO” again�
3� Touch “Reflector�”
4� Touch “Link to Reflector�”
5� Touch “Direct Input�”
6� Touch [+] or [–] to select the reflector type,
reflector number, and module letter, then touch
Returns to the DR screen, and “Link to Reflector” and
entered reflector is displayed in “TO.”
7� Hold down [PTT] to link to the reflector�
Direct inputting a Reflector
TX History saves up to 5 reflectors that your access
repeater linked to before�
Select “REF010BL” in TX History�
1� Touch “TO” to select, and then touch “TO” again�
2� Touch “Reflector�”
3� Touch “Link to Reflector�”
4� Touch the reflector that you want to link to�
Returns to the DR screen, and “Link to Reflector” and
“REF010BL” are displayed in “TO�”
5� Hold down [PTT] to link to the reflector�