1. Disconnect the pressure hose from the pump. Connect the special tool between the pump and the pressure
hose as illustrated.
2. Bleed the air, and then start the engine and turn the steering wheel several times so that the fluid temperature
can rise to approximately 50~60°C (122~132°F) opera ting temperature.
3. Increase the engine speed to 1,000 ± 100 rpm.
4. Close the shut-off valve of the special tool and measure the fluid pressure to confirm that it is within the
standard value range.
Standard value
Relief pressure :
8.3~8.8 MPa (85~90 kg.cm², 1209~1280 psi)
Do not keep the shut-off valve on the pressure gauge closed for more than ten seconds.
5. Remove the special tools, and tighten the pressure hose to the specified torque.
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