TIBURON(GK) > 2003 > G 2.7 V6 DOHC > Engine Mechanical System > Intake And Exhaust System >
Intake Manifold > Repair procedures, TIBURON(GK) > 2003 > G 2.7 V6 DOHC > Engine Mechanical
System > Intake And Exhaust System > Intake Manifold > Repair procedures
1. Remove the air intake hose connected to the throttle body.
2. Remove the accelerator and cruise control cables.
3. Remove the engine coolant hose and throttle body.
4. Remove the P.C.V. hose and brake booster vacuum hoses.
5. Disconnect the vacuum hose connections.
6. Remove the surge tank stay.
7. Bleed off the pressure in the fuel pipe line to prevent the fuel from spilling.
8. Disconnect the connector from high pressure hose.
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