(2) Put a bar or equivalent, between the bracket and the oil pump and adjust the tension so that the belt
deflection is within the standard value.
(3) Tighten the bolt adjusting the power steering "V" belt tension.
(4) Check the belt deflection and adjust it again if necessary.
After turning the V belt in the normal rotation direction more than once, recheck the belt deflection.
1. Position the vehicle on a level surface.
2. Start the engine. With the vehicle kept stationary, turn the steering wheel several times continuously to raise
the fluid temperature to 50~60°C (122 to 140°F).
3. With the engine at idle, turn the steering wheel fully clockwise and counterclockwise several times.
4. Make sure there is no foaming or cloudiness in the reservoir fluid.
5. Stop the engine to check for any difference in fluid level between a stationary and a running engine.
1. If the fluid level varies 5mm (0.2 in.) or more, bleed the system again.
2. If the fluid level suddenly rises after stopping the engine, further bleeding is required.
3. Incomplete bleeding will produce a chattering sound in the pump and noise in the flow control valve,
and lead to decreased durability of the pump.
1. Jack up the front wheels and support them with rigid racks.
2. Disconnect the return hose from the oil reservoir and plug the oil reservoir.
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