1. Make the first cut approx. 4 mm from the end of the nozzle furnished with the sealant. After
application of the sealant, do not exceed 15 minutesbefore installing the oil pan.
2. Make sure that the sealant doesn't enter the inside of the oil pan.
7. Install the oil pan and tighten the bolts to the specified torque.
Tightening torque
Oil pan bolt
* : 19 ~ 28Nm (190 ~ 280kg.cm, 14 ~ 20lb.ft)
** : 5 ~ 7Nm (50 ~ 70kg.cm, 4 ~ 5lb.ft
*** : 30 ~ 42Nm (300 ~ 420kg.cm, 22 ~ 30lb.ft)
8. Tighten the oil pan bolts as shown in the illustration.
9. Using a 24 mm deep socket, install the oil pressure switch after applying sealant to the threaded area.
Three bond No.1141E or 3M ATD No. 8660 or equivalent
Do not torque the oil pressure switch too much.
Tightening torque
Oil pressure switch
15 ~ 22Nm (150 ~ 220kg.cm, 11 ~ 16lb.ft)
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