TIBURON(GK) > 2003 > G 2.7 V6 DOHC > Engine Mechanical System > Intake And Exhaust System >
Exhaust Manifold > Repair procedures, TIBURON(GK) > 2003 > G 2.7 V6 DOHC > Engine Mechanical
System > Intake And Exhaust System > Exhaust Manifold > Repair procedures
1. Remove the heat protector.
2. Remove the exhaust manifold.
3. Remove the exhaust manifold gasket.
1. Install the exhaust manifold with gasket.
Tightening torque
Exhaust manifold :
30 ~ 35Nm (300 ~ 350kg.cm, 22 ~ 26lb.ft)
Do not re - use an exhaust manifold gasket.
2. Install the heat protector.
1. Check for damage or cracks.
2. Using a straight edge and feeler gauge, check for distortion on the cylinder head matching surface.
Standard value : 0.15 mm (0.006 in.) or less
Service limit : 0.3 mm (0.012 in.) or less
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