Command Manual – Security
Quidway S8500 Series Routing Switches
Chapter 2 AAA and RADIUS/HWTACACS Protocol
Configuration Commands
Huawei Technologies Proprietary
# Configure the VLAN delivering mode to be of string type.
[Quidway] private_group_id mode standard
2.1.18 self-service-url
self-service-url enable
self-service-url disable
ISP domain view
: The URL (uniform resource locator) of the Web page on a self-service server.
The Web page is used to modify passwords. This argument is a string that is of 1 to 64
characters in length. Do not provide character of “?” in this argument. If an URL
contains "?", replace it with "|" when inputting the URL in the command line.
Use the
self-service-url enable
command to configure self-service server uniform
resource locator (URL).
Use the
self-service-url disable
command to remove the configuration of self-service
server URL.
By default, self-service server URL is not configured on a switch.
This command must be incorporated with a RADIUS server (such as a CAMS server)
that supports self-service. Self-service means that users can manage their accounts
and card numbers by themselves. And a server with the self-service software installed
is called a self-service server.
Once this function is enabled on a switch, users can locate the self-service server
through the following operations:
Select "Change user password" on the 802.1x client.
After the client opens the default explorer (IE or NetScape), it locates the specified
URL page used to change the user password on the self-service server.
Change user password on this page.
The "Change user password" option is available only when the user passes the
authentication; otherwise, this option is in grey and unavailable.