Emergency Voice System Operation
nearby operator of the request.
Figure 11-3 EVS Control Request on LOC with EVS Control
Once EVS Control is passed to another LOC, the new user will assume the system AS IS. This means that the
event that was set to be playing at the previous LOC and all output areas it was playing in do not change.
Exit EVS Control Menu
The user can exit the LOC EVS interface by pressing the left arrow. The user will be returned to the idle screen
which indicates that the LOC still has EVS control.
Relinquish EVS Control
Relinquishing EVS Control is accomplished by pressing the EVS Control Key from within Message Mode. A
screen will be displayed to ensure the user wants to relinquish EVS Control. EVS Control will be automatically
relinquished after a time-out on this screen. When EVS Control is relinquished, the system stays in the Manual
EVS State. EVS Control can then be gained by another LOC or again at the same LOC.
Figure 11-4 Relinquish EVS Control Screen
11.2.10 EVS Reset
An EVS reset is accomplished by pressing the RESET button from an LOC. The user will be prompted to reset
either the fire system or emergency system. After an EVS reset, the LOC will automatically exit the LOC EVS
Note: In order to perform an EVS reset, the display must be associated with the EVS-VCM / EVS-RVM. See Sec-
11.3 EVS Super User
The EVS Super User access code profile function provides the ability to override all EVS Control rules and gain
EVS Control. The EVS Super User is the highest priority user in the system. The EVS Super User has several
features that differ from the normal user:
Any alarm activated while under EVS Super User Control needs to be reset using an EVS Super User func-
tion enabled access code.
LOC priority and LOC lockout timer are ignored when passing EVS Control between EVS Super Users at
LOCs. If another EVS Super User attempts to gain EVS Control from an LOC, an EVS Control request is
presented to the EVS Super User at the LOC that currently has EVS Control.
11.4 EVS Point Functionality
Any input point in the system can be configured as an EVS input. The Point EVS 1-8 Alarm input types can be
used to trigger predetermined EVS events for output areas. EVS-VCM, or EVS-RVM points can be programmed