Model 6820 / 6820-EVS Installation Manual
Section 11
Emergency Voice System Operation
11.1 Overview
The EVS series control panels and accessories provide features to meet the requirements for Mass Notification
Systems as described in NFPA 72 and is compliant with the UL 2572 standard. EVS (Emergency Voice System)
is integrated with the fire alarm and voice evacuation functions of the control panel. n a networked panel system,
only one panel can be chosen to be the voice evacuation/EVS panel for the site
There are two ways for activating EVS in the 6820EVS panel:
EVS Point Activations
EVS Point Activation involves using pre-determined EVS Alarm input points to activate EVS Alarm events.
These events cause output areas to activate based on mapping that is programmed into the system at installation.
This is very similar to the traditional mapping that the fire system has utilized to date.
Manual LOC Activations
Manual LOC Activation involves using the LOC EVS interface to activate EVS Events, choose output areas, and
speak through a microphone. These selections are not pre-determined and allow the user to make system
functionality decisions when the event is actually happening. This requires the activation of Manual EVS State
which bypasses EVS Point Activations. See section 11.2.3.
11.2 LOC Functionality
An LOC consists of either the EVS Series panel (EVS-VCM Voice Control Module and the Fire Alarm Control
Panel), or the EVS-LOC Remote Command Unit (EVS-RVM Remote Voice Module and its associated 6860
keypad). An LOC is created by adding a VCM or RVM to the system and associating a keypad to it. The LOC
provides eight buttons for activating the EVS messages, a button to gain and relinquish EVS Control, and a
microphone for live EVS paging. There can be up to five LOC devices in the system. In a networked panel
system, all of the LOCs must be connected through SBUS to the panel that includes the VCM.
Keys and LEDs
This section outlines the functionality of the keys and LEDs on the EVS-VCM and EVS-RVM expander
modules. EVS Control Key
Pressing the EVS Control Key will do one of two things:
Enter Message Mode of the LOC EVS interface (including trying to gain EVS Control if the user doesn't
have it already).
Relinquish EVS Control if pressed while in Message Mode. EVS Control LED
The EVS Control LED is used to indicate the status of EVS Control in the system. When the LED is on solid, the
LOC has EVS Control within the system. When the LED is blinking, another LOC has gained EVS Control in