3.2 Automatic Continuous Measurement (6-cell auto mode)
3 - 50
If a file of the same name as entered already exists in
the same measurement mode, the following guidance
Already exists. Overwrite it? :_
1 Yes □
2 No
For overwriting, press the <1> key (Yes). To avoid
overwriting, press the <2> key (No) and rename the file
to be saved.
A total of 50 method files can be saved for all
measurement modes.
If 50 files are already registered, the following message
No.of files is full.
In this case, delete files referring to section 4.2.2 and
retry saving.
The method for which auto start (for details, refer to
section 4.5.) is set is preceded by “*”.
(5) Return to the Photometry screen by pressing the
[RETURN] key.