Error code
Details and solution
• If this error occurs with subcode 45 and
new media, remove the magazine and
manually load and unload the new
media five times for each new cartridge
to condition the new cartridges.
• Update the firmware to the latest
version. Many firmware enhancements
have been made to reduce the
occurrence of this error.
• If this error occurs with sub-code 43, it
could be the result of a misaligned
magazine in combination with failed
sensor cable. Ensure that the magazine
is fully and correctly inserted, and then
check whether the device can detect
when the magazine is removed.
• Remove all magazines and ensure that
nothing is obstructing the robot. With the
magazines removed, you can see inside
the device with a flashlight. For
increased visibility, also remove the tape
• MSL2024 only:
If this error occurs after a firmware
update and with subcode 0E on a unit
that previously had a firmware revision
earlier than 2.00, this error was caused
by the firmware using a sensor that was
unused in the earlier versions of
firmware. There could be a problem with
the sensor. Power cycle the unit and if
the problem persists, contact Hewlett
Packard Enterprise service.
• If this error occurs on a tape load or
unload, power off the tape drive.
Remove the drive and inspect the front
of the drive for any obstructions, such as
an improperly placed label.
• Run the wellness test.
Table Continued
Troubleshooting information and procedures