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the cycle is 134 ° C, the holding time should be not less than 3
Chemical monitoring should be performed for each sterilization
cycle,by observing the color change of the chemical indicator to
determine whether the sterilization requirement is met
compliance with the information and requirements provided by
the manufacturer of the chemical indicator.
Sterilization monitoring shall comply with the requirements of
Annex E of WS506‐2016
The national standards for sterilization,WS310‐2016 stipulate that
the sterilizer operating cycle parameters should be fully recorded
and stored for 3 years.
Sterile Storage
Sterile package storage time after sterilization varies with packaging material and storage conditions, in full
compliance with the specification. For example, the condition of WS310‐2016 can be stored for up to 6 months.
Packaging requirements and storage conditions please follow WS310‐2016.
Please follow the packaging manufacturer's recommendations or
regulations for the storage time of the sterile package.
Do not store sterile items in contaminated areas
terile items must be stored in a dust‐free, (In addition to water,
other liquids such as alcohol, disinfectants, etc. should also be
avoided) dry temperature suitable environment.