26 / 116
00CNO0192-E (U0627512)
Installation, Use and Maintenance
The boilers are equipped with the following elements:
• a safety valve calibrated to 4 bar,
• an automatic drain tap,
• a drain valve.
It is imperative to fit the boiler and its installation with the following components:
isolation valves on the flow and return tappings,
• an expansion vessel,
an effective drain system,
• a check valve (or a motorised isolating valve) if the boiler is installed in
a cascade.
4.5.1. Connection using 3 tappings
CONDENSINOX boilers are fitted with 2 returns
and an optimised internal water circuit allowing
effective separation of high temperature returns
(coming from DHW preparation circuits, ATU,
radiators…) from low temperature circuits
(underfloor heating circuits, low temperature
radiator circuits…).
This circuit separation encourages the
condensation of exhaust in the lower part of
the exchanger throughout the year, and so
considerably increases the product performance.
4.5.2. Connection using 2 tappings
If all the circuits have the same return temperatures,
the return tapping located in the lower part must
be used.
figure 12 -
3 tappings
figure 13 -
2 tappings
Hot return
Cold return (heated
floors and low-
temperature radiators)