Documentation HG G-73650ZD | English, Revision 05 | Date: 09.03.2017 |
Chapter 4: Software
Transform Angle: Due to the distortions in the national co-ordinate system, an angle
offset between the national co-ordinate system and the area to be travelled can be
entered here.
4.3.10 Configuration –> Gyro
Figure 63
Screenshot: Configuration –> Gyro
Setting of the gyro. The table has three columns:
Item: Shows which value is involved.
Setting: Input of the values
Unit: Unit of the value
The following values can be changed:
Averaging: The gyroscope must be averaged at regular intervals (see also section
4.3.8 on page 69) so that the drift rate does not become too great (drift compensa-
tion). If averaging the gyroscope is not carried out by another control system or auto-
matically after the averaging delay time (see below), the averaging must be enabled
here. After averaging, the drift rate of the gyroscope is significantly better that before
averaging. This means that the odometry is also better than before averaging.
Averaging Acknowledge: If enabled, averaging is carried out at least until the gyro-
scope reports that the drift rate is below the threshold set in the gyroscope (recom-
mended). If a new drive command is sent to the navigation controller although the
gyroscope is not yet ready, a corresponding error message from the gyroscope delays
Averaging Delay: Delay in switching on the averaging. The averaging starts automati-
cally as soon as the time set here has elapsed after a pause in automatic mode.
Averaging Duration: If the 'Averaging Acknowledge' parameter is not enabled, the
minimum averaging time is specified. It should not be below 5 seconds (the longer
the better).