Documentation HG G-73650ZD | English, Revision 05 | Date: 09.03.2017 |
Chapter 2: Basic Principles of Track Guidance Idle Mode
This Mode allows to operate the vehicle manually or the vehicle control can initiate a seg-
ment search. Parameter Test Mode
This mode can only be activated if the vehicle is standing still. In this mode all basic func-
tions can be tested during commissioning. For this purpose the web browser can used to
access a special menu where you can enter velocity and steering angle directly via the key-
board (see section 4.10 on page 83). Important characteristics including actual velocity and
steering angle will be displayed. Automatic Mode
In this mode the navigation controller guides the vehicle. If the vehicle shall be operated
manually (by a driver) you have to exit this mode. To access or quit this mode the user sends
a request to the controller via the interface of the vehicle control or via web browser. When
requesting automatic mode, the following pre-conditions have to be met:
the vehicle must be standing still
the vehicle must be ready for automatic operation
currently no vehicle errors
the calculated position has to match the given segment
it must be possible to drive the given segment
It is essential that the corresponding segments are transferred to the steering controller
the automatic mode is switched on. At this point the immediate start-up of the vehicle
can still be prevented by omitting the segment release.
When the segment release is set, the vehicle starts moving. Remote Control Mode
In this mode the vehicle can be remote-controlled via the navigation controller. The only pre-
settings here are the steering angle and the speed. Then the navigation controller calculates
the speeds and steering angles of the individual wheels.
The Modus Remote Control offers six different options to steer the vehicle (see the CAN Box
from Table 38 on page 116 and Feldbus Bytes 42-46 from Table 49 on page 126):
Remote Mode = 1: Symmetric steering forward, Remote X determines the speed in
mm/s in the vehicle's longitudinal direction, Remote Y the curve to be driven in 1/
. Remote Z has no function.
Remote Mode = 2: Symmetric steering sideward, Remote X determines the speed in
mm/s in the vehicle's lateral direction, Remote Y the curve to be driven in 1/100
Remote Z has no function.
Remote Mode = 3: Dog tracking forward, Remote X determines the speed in mm/s in
the vehicle's longitudinal direction, Remote Y the steering angle for all wheels in 1/
. Remote Z has no function.